We had the legislation changed
Wal Dobrow serves on the NSW Strata Industry Working Group and one of his key objectives was to ensure that the Strata legislation was changed so that only Qualified Valuers could carry out the Market Value assessment of Unit Entitlements.
The main reason for this change is that traditionally a developer could allocate whatever Unit Entitlement he chose, including putting a low Unit Entitlement number for the Lots that he retained such as a penthouse and thereby not fairly contribute to the levy burden of running a strata scheme.
There were a significant number of Applications to the Tribunal to have these sort of unfair Unit Entitlement allocations set aside, resulting in a high financial and social burden on our Community. This was the primary reason that Wal Dobrow pushed to have the legislation changed to be fairly assessed on a Market Value basis by Qualified Valuers. The Australia Property Institute also pushed to have this unfair situation rectified.
About us
We are intimately familiar with the new Strata legislation, having specialised in strata valuations for over 30 years.
Our client list includes a wide range of developers from the largest developers in NSW to the smaller strata developers. Our contacts with surveyors assist our clients in getting in touch with the right Surveyors and Strata Certifiers in order to get the right survey work completed on time and the certification process professionally completed.
Wal Dobrow wrote the Common Property Memorandum (AG520000) that adds clarity as to whether the Owners Corporation or the Lot Owner is responsible for the repair, maintenance or renewal or replacement of an item, service or area within a strata scheme. An Owners Corporation can adopt the Common Property Memorandum in whole or part so that clarity and harmony is achieved within that strata scheme. It is a leadership document where he made a decision on each item, service or area to achieve two key tenets. (1) Harmonious living in strata, and (2) minimise civil litigation. The principles of the Common Property Memorandum has been adopted into the new Strata Legislation.
Simply put.. we know our 'stuff'.
Our services
We provide the Valuer's Certificate and the Schedule of Unit Entitlement required under the Strata Schemes Development Act 2015 and the Strata Schemes Development Regulations 2016.